This example requires ActivMail 1.3 or greater
<!--- we are defining a query here with 3 columns num,email,direction ---> <cfset q = QueryNew("num,email,direction")> <!--- row 1 num=1,, direction=North ---> <cfset r = QueryAddRow(q)> <cfset QuerySetCell(q, "num", 1, r)> <cfset QuerySetCell(q, "email", "", r)> <cfset QuerySetCell(q, "direction", "North", r)> <!--- row 2 num=2,, direction=South ---> <cfset r = QueryAddRow(q)> <cfset QuerySetCell(q, "num", 2, r)> <cfset QuerySetCell(q, "email", "", r)> <cfset QuerySetCell(q, "direction", "South", r)> <!--- lets see what the query looks like ---> <cfdump var="#q#"> <!--- we could have also done something like this ---> <!--- <cfquery datasource="ds" name="q"> SELECT Num, Email, Direction FROM table </cfquery> ---> <!--- now we have a query defined lets loop through and generate personalized content ---> <!--- the content is stored in an array that corresponds to the query row numbers ---> <cfset contentArray = ArrayNew(1)> <cfoutput query="q"> <cfsavecontent variable="personalContent"> <cfif q.direction IS "North"> <p><b>North</b> is the better direction to go here. I'm glad you picked north.</p> <cfelseif q.direction IS "South"> <p><b>South</b> is much better than North.</p> </cfif> Your number is #q.num# </cfsavecontent> <cfset contentArray[q.currentRow] = personalContent> </cfoutput> <cfset QueryAddColumn(q, "content", contentArray)> <!--- now lets see what the query looks like ---> <br> <cfdump var="#q#"> <cf_mail query="q" tokens="1" sendmode="query" to="email" from="" subject="^direction^ is the way to go!" tokenchar="^" type="html"> ^content^ <p> Email: ^email^<br> Num: ^num^<br> </p> personalizedMessage.cfm </cf_mail>